Akshan Wild Rift Counter

Akshan Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Akshan counter Wild Rift stats: All the Akshan info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

The Rogue Sentinel

Role: Marksman/Assassin | Win rate: 52.8% | Tier: A

Akshan is a mobile champion with an aggressive playstyle, he will use his abilities to roam and gain an advantage in other lanes. If you want to counter Akshan, you need to build armor to reduce the damage he causes. Besides, you need to find a way to restrain Akshan’s power early in the game.

I will help you counter Akshan with the most dedicated sharing below.

Champion Counter Akshan

Discover all Top champions who counter Akshan.


Akshan is Weak Against

Akshan is Strong Against

Keep your distance and limit long fights with Akshan in the early game. Prioritize poking from afar to make it difficult for Akshan to farm.

Keep your minions close to your tower to reduce Akshan’s attack power. Also, when Akshan is high up, you can ask your jungler to gank and kill him.

Stand to the side, not behind minions because Akshan can farm minions and harass you at the same time.

Using some armor items will help you reduce Akshan’s damage.


Akshan is Weak Against

Akshan is Strong Against

Use your range advantage to pressure and poke Akshan. When Akshan has his ultimate, retreat if you’re low on health.

Item Counter Akshan

Items that counter Akshan

Armor items.

Akshan wild rift counter items list:

Prioritize using armor items to counter Akshan.

Thornmail will inflict Grievous Wounds on Akshan when he attacks you.

Frozen Heart slows Akshan’s attack speed.

How to counter Akshan ?

Akshan wild rift counter tips

Akshan wild rift counter tips:

In the middle of the game, you should not chase Akshan into the jungle because he can endanger you.

Keep minions close to you during the laning phase to reduce Akshan’s attack potential.

Without his ultimate, Akshan won’t be able to maximize his damage. Try to attack Akshan when he doesn’t have his ultimate.

When Akshan uses Avengerang, step aside. Don’t stand behind minions as this will help Akshan farm and poke you.

Do not fight Akshan in areas with a lot of terrain.

Akshan is weak in the early game. You can gank early to restrain his power.

Use CC to prevent Akshan from attacking enemies or reviving allies.


  • Mobility.
  • Extremely high damage.
  • Can revive teammates.
  • Good early game.


  • Hard to play.
  • Squish.
  • Weak against CC.

Akshan Matchups

MatchupsWin RateGame
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