Brand Wild Rift Counter

Brand Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Brand counter Wild Rift stats: All the Brand info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

The Burning Vengeance

Role: Mage | Win rate: 50.5% | Tier: B

Brand is very strong in the laning phase with strong poke and burst damage with his skill combos. In team fights, Brand has good crowd control and skills to deal large area damage.

You don’t need to worry about countering Brand. He has no escape skills so he is easy to destroy. Prevent Brand’s power surge by pressuring and ganking him in the early game.

To learn more about how to defeat Brand, you should read more information that I share below.

Champion Counter Brand

Discover all Top champions who counter Brand.


Brand is Weak Against

Brand is Strong Against

In Mid, you should choose champions that are mobile or poke from afar. It is not recommended to prolong the battle with Brand because he will become stronger thanks to the items he receives. Try to push Brand back by ganking so he won’t be able to snowball.

Try to stay behind the soldiers but not too close so that Brand can’t poke you while farming. During the laning phase, you should stay back out of Brand’s attack range so he can’t harass you.

You can attack Brand when his energy is low or his skills are on cooldown.

When you have low health and Brand has his ultimate. I recommend you go back to heal.


Brand is Weak Against

Brand is Strong Against

Junglers need to invade Brand’s jungle at the beginning of the game, stealing blue buffs and controlling vision.

Knowing the direction of Brand’s movement, you will easily take the next step which is to ambush to destroy Brand or move in the opposite direction to gank his teammates.


Brand is Weak Against

Brand is Strong Against

Brand will try to poke at your ADC. He often hides in the grass and harasses to drain the ADC’s health. The support’s mission is to attack Brand as soon as he rushes up to poke and control vision in the brush.

Item Counter Brand

Items that counter Brand

Magic resistance items

Quicksilver Enchant.

Stasis Enchant.

Brand wild rift counter items list:

Use magic resistance items to reduce damage from Brand.

When stunned, use Quicksilver Enchant to remove it.

Use Stasis Enchant to avoid damage from Brand’s skills.

How to counter Brand ?

Brand wild rift counter tips

Brand wild rift counter tips:

Don’t stand in groups because most of Brand’s skills deal AOE damage, especially his ultimate. Stay away from the original target of Brand’s ultimate because it will bounce to nearby champions.

While on fire, stay away from Brand because Sear will stun you. You can also stand behind soldiers to avoid being stunned.

Using items that increase movement speed will help you avoid Brand’s Pillar of Flame.

The best time to fight Brand is when his skills are on cooldown or out of mana.

Don’t let Brand harass or poke you. You should play safely and wait for the jungle to gank to create an advantage.

End the match as soon as possible.

Do not fight in tight areas, dragon caves, Baron.

Ambush and destroy Brand before the general fight takes place. Don’t let Brand get into the fight because he will do a lot of damage to your team.


  • High burst damge.
  • Can stun with skill 1.
  • Tank counter.
  • Great teamfight potential.
  • Versatile Itemization.


  • No sustain.
  • Frontline reliant.
  • No mobility.
  • No base defense.

Brand Matchups

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