Gragas Wild Rift Counter

Gragas Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Gragas counter Wild Rift stats: All the Gragas info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

The Rabble Rouser

Role: Tank / Mage | Win rate: 49.3% | Tier: S

Gragas is a versatile champion and can play in many different positions. Gragas has many crowd control skills and combos that deal explosive damage to enemies. To counter Gragas, you should pay attention to Gragas’s item build: damage or resistance. Take advantage of Gragas’s cooldown to make trades to your advantage.

Normally, gamers will take a lot of time to master how to counter Gragas. However, in this sharing article I’m sure you will quickly be able to do that.

Champion Counter Gragas

Discover all Top champions who counter Gragas.


Gragas is Weak Against

Gragas is Strong Against

The solo strategy with Gragas at Top is that you should use a strong attacking champion at the beginning of the game. Look for extension trades anytime as Gragas depends on skills to deal damage.

Pay attention to Gragas’s item build to choose the right item to counter him.

Stay away from Gragas’ wine barrel and stand behind the soldiers to avoid being attacked by Body Slam.

Don’t stand near Gragas’ tower because he will use his ultimate to knock you into the tower.


Gragas is Weak Against

Gragas will try to gank at the beginning of the game, so the jungler needs to control vision to know Gragas’ direction of movement. Next, steal Gragas’ jungle or gank another lane.


Gragas is Weak Against

Gragas is Strong Against

Prioritize harassing Gragas from afar, avoid melee combat with him. If possible, avoid Gragas’ Body Slam and you will defeat him more easily.


Gragas is Weak Against

Gragas is Strong Against

The ADC should keep his distance and attack Gragas from a distance. You can kite Gragas easily when he has no skills left.


Gragas is Weak Against

Gragas is Strong Against

Support needs to ensure the safety of your ADC against Gragas. Control your vision to avoid being surprised by Gragas ganking and use CC to prevent Gragas from rushing in.

Item Counter Gragas

Items that counter Gragas

Magic resistance items:

Reduced healing:

Anti burst damge:

Anti CC:

Gragas wild rift counter items list:

Because Gragas deals magic damage, use magic resistance items to reduce Gragas’ damage: Spirit Visage, Mercury’s Treads, Force of Nature.

To reduce heal from Gragas’s passive, use items that cause grievous wounds such as: Chempunk Chainsword, Morellonomicon, Mortal Reminder.

Using Stasis Enchant at the right time will help you avoid Gragas’ skills.

Maw Of Malmortius will create a shield to absorb magic damage.

Quicksilver Enchant will remove slow and stun from Gragas’ skills.

How to counter Gragas ?

Gragas wild rift counter tips

Gragas wild rift counter tips:

Avoid standing on Gragas’ wine barrel when it is red because you will take damage and slow.

When using Drunken Rage, Gragas cannot attack enemies. You can poke and harass him at this time.

Gragas is extremely mobile because Body Slam has a low cooldown. Think before chasing him.

Avoid grouping together because Gragas’s ultimate can knock up multiple targets at the same time.

If Gragas uses Body Slam incorrectly, punish him immediately.

During combat, you should not advance too far or separate from your teammates. Gragas can use his ultimate to push you into his team.


  • Strong early ganks.
  • Early CC.
  • Versatile gameplay.
  • Good teamfights.
  • Mobility.


  • Easy to kite.
  • Hard to master
  • Abilities are dodgable.
  • Bad early game.

Gragas Matchups

MatchupsWin RateGame
Gragas vs Teemo
Gragas vs Teemo 
Gragas vs Morgana
Gragas vs Morgana 
Gragas vs Volibear
Gragas vs Volibear 
Gragas vs Wukong
Gragas vs Wukong
Gragas vs Zed
Gragas vs Zed 
Gragas vs Lee Sin
Gragas vs Lee Sin 
Gragas vs Pantheon
Gragas vs Pantheon 
Gragas vs Shyvana
Gragas vs Shyvana 
Gragas vs Jax
Gragas vs Jax 
Gragas vs Master Yi
Gragas vs Master Yi
Gragas vs Ekko
Gragas vs Ekko 
Gragas vs Talon
Gragas vs Talon 
Gragas vs Vi
Gragas vs Vi
Gragas vs Hecarim
Gragas vs Hecarim 
Gragas vs Jarvan IV
Gragas vs Jarvan IV