Gwen Wild Rift Counter

Gwen Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Gwen counter Wild Rift stats: All the Gwen info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

The Hallowed Seamstress

Role: Fighter | Win rate: 50.2% | Tier: S+

Gwen is very strong when confronting weak champions, dealing continuous damage from skill 1 and ultimate. Gwen is a weak champion in the early game and has difficulty fighting fighters and assassins. To counter Gwen, you need to understand her and avoid fighting when she has many stacks.

Champion Counter Gwen

Discover all Top champions who counter Gwen.


Gwen is Weak Against

Gwen is Strong Against

When soloing with Gwen at the top, you should not engage in long fights with her. Prioritize using champions with strong laning phase and good recovery.

You should only fight Gwen when skill (Snip Snip!) doesn’t have many stacks. Gwen will deal less damage to you when she doesn’t have as many stacks.

When Gwen uses Hallowed Mist, retreat back. When this skill expires, come back and attack her.

You will have difficulty if you want to destroy Gwen alone. Call on the jungle to gank her.


Gwen is Weak Against

Gwen is Strong Against

In Mid, you should poke and harass Gwen from afar. Avoid 1vs1 with Gwen when she has maximum stacks from her passive.


Gwen is a strong jungler with good fighting ability. If Gwen ganks a lane that you can’t contest with her, invade her jungle or move the gank in another direction.

Gwen has good target control and can solo dragons alone. Place wards to control the direction of her movement.

Item Counter Gwen

Items that counter Gwen

Magic Resistance items.

Grievous wounds items.

Items can slow movement speed.

Stasis Enchant.

Gwen wild rift counter items list:

To reduce the magic damage that Gwen causes, use magical defense items such as: Spirit Visage, Force of Nature, Maw Of Malmortius, Dawnshroud, Mercury’s Treads.

To reduce Gwen’s healing ability, use items that cause grievous wounds such as: Morellonomicon, Mortal Reminder.

If you want to poke Gwen more easily, use items that slow down movement speed such as: Iceborn Gauntlet, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter.

Stasis Enchant will delay the time Gwen deals damage to you and wait for teammates to assist.

How to counter Gwen ?

Gwen wild rift counter tips

Gwen wild rift counter tips:

Avoid fighting Gwen when she has 4 stacks from passive. Gwen’s Snip Snip! will do a lot of damage to you.

Try to harass and poke from afar to drain Gwen’s vitality before the team fight takes place.

Look to engage Gwen while her skills are on cooldown.

If Gwen split pushes. You can ambush her to destroy her or organize a team fight to end the match.

Avoid fighting Gwen alone unless you are sure you can defeat her.

Use CC skills to capture and kill Gwen more easily.

Reducing HP recovery will help you kill Gwen more easily in combat.


  • Outplay potential.
  • Strong splitpush.
  • Strong late game.
  • Very skill based.


  • Low mobility.
  • Easy gankable.
  • Weak early game.
  • Depends on items.
  • No CC.

Gwen Matchups

MatchupsWin RateGame
Gwen vs Sion
Gwen vs Sion
Gwen vs Dr. Mundo
Gwen vs Dr. Mundo
Gwen vs Shen
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Gwen vs Xin Zhao
Gwen vs Xin Zhao
Gwen vs Graves
Gwen vs Graves 
Gwen vs Renekton
Gwen vs Renekton 
Gwen vs Varus
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Gwen vs Malphite
Gwen vs Malphite 
Gwen vs Swain
Gwen vs Swain 
Gwen vs Nasus
Gwen vs Nasus 
Gwen vs Sett
Gwen vs Sett 
Gwen vs Kayn
Gwen vs Kayn 
Gwen vs Urgot
Gwen vs Urgot 
Gwen vs Teemo
Gwen vs Teemo 
Gwen vs Camille
Gwen vs Camille 