Jayce Wild Rift Counter

Jayce Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Jayce counter Wild Rift stats: All the Jayce info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

The Defender of Tomorrow

Role: Fighter | Marksman | Win rate: 48.3% | Tier: S+

Most players have difficulty fighting Jayce. Not only does he have high damage, but he can also switch between ranged and close attacks.

When soloing with Jayce, I learned many valuable lessons and from there found the most complete way to counter Jayce. I don’t want to keep it to myself, I want you to know it too in this sharing.

Champion Counter Jayce

Discover all Top champions who counter Jayce.


Jayce is Weak Against

Jayce is Strong Against

At Top, you will have difficulty fighting Jayce. He will take advantage of his long range to poke and destroy you. I recommend that you sacrifice some CS to get XP when needed.

Prioritize using champions with good recovery ability to outperform Jayce in the laning phase.

Jayce has to spend a lot of mana when using skills so you can fight him when Jayce’s mana is low. At this time, Jayce will not be able to maximize his power because he cannot perform combos.

Do not stand next to soldiers because Jayce deals AOE damage. You should stand behind the soldiers so they can block damage from Jayce.

Combine with jungler to destroy Jayce and create an advantage for yourself.


Jayce is Weak Against

Jayce is Strong Against

Keep your distance so Jayce can’t jump on you. When you reach level 5, you can actively attack Jayce with the advantage of your ultimate.


Jayce is Weak Against

Jayce is Strong Against

Take advantage of his long range to poke and harass him. Try to avoid Jayce’s Shock Blast + Acceleration Gate combo, keep your distance and don’t let Jayce approach you.


Jayce is Weak Against

Jayce is Strong Against

Supports should harass Jayce, not allowing him to easily use his skills on your teammates. Always keep the CC skill to catch Jayce when he makes a mistake.


Jayce is Weak Against

Jayce is Strong Against

Junglers need to gank Jayce in the early game to reduce pressure on their teammates. If Jayce pushes his minions up, ambush and kill Jayce by surprise.

Item Counter Jayce

Items that counter Jayce

Physical defense items:

Guardian Angel:

Stasis Enchant:

Jayce wild rift counter items list:

Using armor-increasing items will reduce damage from Jayce such as: Thornmail, Frozen Heart, Randuin’s Omen, Dead Man’s Plate, Amaranth’s Twinguard, Plated Steelcaps.

Thornmail will cause grievous wounds so Jayce will be afraid to attack you.

Jayce can kill you by surprise, so use Guardian Angel to revive you.

If you activate Stasis Enchant at the right time, you will avoid damage from Jayce’s skills.

How to counter Jayce?

Jayce wild rift counter tips

Jayce wild rift counter tips:

Shock Blast can be easily dodged and blocked by minions.

Jayce will be less flexible in cannon stance, you can attack Jayce now.

Jayce has low mobility, gank Jayce when he pushes minions up.

Don’t delay the fight because Jayce will have plenty of time to poke and destroy your team. Quickly engage so that Jayce cannot maximize his role.

Don’t try to destroy targets like Baron or Dragon when Jayce is nearby. In combat, do not stand in groups because Jayce will deal damage to multiple targets at a distance at the same time.

If Jayce split pushes, stop him quickly because your Tower will disappear quickly.


  • Strong in Early/Mid-game.
  • Can kite.
  • Wins solo lanes.
  • Range advantage.
  • Burst damage.
  • Good damage.
  • Excellent utility


  • Squishy.
  • Very hard to play.
  • Weak late.
  • Weak in teamfights.
  • Get interrupted easily.
  • No powerful ultimate.
  • Requires a lot of mana.

Jayce Matchups

MatchupsWin RateGame
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