Jhin Wild Rift Counter

Jhin Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Jhin counter Wild Rift stats: All the Jhin info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

The Virtuoso

Role: Marksman | Win rate: 51.2% | Tier: S

Jhin is a late-game carry champion who excels at forcing opponents to play his way. Jhin has incredible damage with critical shots that can kill enemies quickly. However, Jhin is the most immobile champions in Wild Rift, he doesn’t have the skills to escape.

Jhin is not difficult to counter. He’s weak against mobile champions, dealing explosive damage like an assassin. Jhin has a weak start, you need to outplay him at this stage.To better understand how to counter Jhin, let’s explore them below.

Champion Counter Jhin

Discover all Top champions who counter Jhin.


Jhin is Weak Against

Jhin is Strong Against

As an ADC, you need to outplay Jhin from the start. To destroy Jhin, combine with support or jungler to set up a perfect attack.

During the laning phase, you should push minions up high because Jhin has difficulty farming under towers. Attack Jhin when he has used his 4th shot.

Keep your distance from Jhin because he has ability to poke very well from afar. When Jhin uses his ultimate, you need to quickly escape its range or stand behind soldiers, supports.


Jhin is Weak Against

Jhin is Strong Against

In Mid, play safely at the beginning of the game to avoid losing too much health. Once you have your ultimate, take advantage of Jhin’s mistake to kill him with your explosive damage.


Jhin is Weak Against

Jhin is Strong Against

Support’s mission is to harass and use cc skills to catch Jhin in combat. In some cases, Support should shield damage for their ADC.


Jhin is Weak Against

Jungler will put pressure on Jhin by ganking to give your ADC an advantage. Ambush and destroy Jhin if he goes into the forest alone.


Jhin is Weak Against

Jhin is Strong Against

Find a way to get close to attack Jhin, do not attack Jhin when he has teammates next to him.

Item Counter Jhin

Items that counter Jhin

Items that increase armor.

Stasis Enchant.

Quicksilver Enchant.

Jhin wild rift counter items list:

Jhin deals physical damage so buy physical defense items to reduce damage from him.

Thornmail will cause Jhin to suffer Grievous Wounds.

You can use Frozen Heart and Randuin’s Omen to reduce Jhin’s attack speed.

If you are stunned by Jhin’s Deadly Flourish, use Quicksilver Enchant to remove it.

When activating Quicksilver Enchant, you can avoid damage from Jhin’s ultimate.

How to counter Jhin ?

Jhin wild rift counter tips

Jhin wild rift counter tips:

Jhin will gradually increase his strength in the mid and late game. Try to kill Jhin early in the game so he can’t snowball.

Jhin has trouble farming under towers, push minions up to confuse him.

Attack Jhin after the 4th shot because he needs time to reload.

Should be combined with support with strong CC skills.

Jhin lacks mobility and he is easily destroyed by assassins. In combat, destroy Jhin first if you see he is isolated.

Once you have received Jhin’s basic attack, dodge Jhin’s Deadly Flourish skill as it will stun you.

Pay attention to Jhin’s trap placement. They can be seen for a period of time before disappearing.

When Jhin uses his ultimate is also when he is at his weakest. You can assassinate Jhin right now.

If Jhin already has a lot of items, avoid fighting Jhin alone. Especially for champions with low health.


  • High damage.
  • Excellent scaling.
  • Strong laning.
  • Good pusher.
  • Long range.
  • Insane kiting.


  • Squishy.
  • No mobility.
  • High difficulty.
  • No Escapes.
  • Low attack speed.
  • Ultimate takes getting used to.

Jhin Matchups

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