Kha'Zix Wild Rift Counter

Kha’Zix Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Kha’Zix counter Wild Rift stats: All the Kha’Zix info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

The Voidreaver

Role: Assassin | Win rate: 51.3% | Tier: S+

Kha’Zix is ​​a mobile assassin who deals explosive damage, often seeking out and destroying isolated targets.

If you want to counter Kha’Zix to reduce his power, you should use champions with crowd control skills, buy armor, and group close together to reduce his power.

Learn more about how to counter Kha’Zix below.

Champion Counter Kha’Zix

Discover all Top champions who counter Kha’Zix.


Kha’Zix is Weak Against

Kha’Zix is Strong Against

Kha’Zix will look to gank early to gain an advantage in the early game. You need to control vision to reduce his ganking ability. Counter-gank to reduce the pressure Kha’Zix puts on your teammates.

Avoid fighting Kha’Zix when there are no minions or jungle monsters nearby.


Kha’Zix is Weak Against

Kha’Zix is Strong Against

Kha’Zix is ​​not strong in Mid, he will have trouble with mana and farming in the early game. If you are a ranged champion or poke and harass him.

Item Counter Kha’Zix

Items that counter Kha’Zix

 Armor items.

Anti burst damage.

Kha’Zix wild rift counter items list:

Kha’Zix deals AD damage so use armor items to reduce the damage he deals: Plated Steelcaps, Thornmail, Randuin’s Omen, Frozen Heart, Dead Man’s Plate.

Guardian Angel will help you revive when killed by Kha’Zix.

Activating Stasis Enchant will help you avoid Kha’Zix’s damage.

Edge of Night will block Kha’Zix’s abilities.

How to counter Kha’Zix?

Kha'Zix wild rift counter tips

Kha’Zix wild rift counter tips:

Prioritize choosing champions with CC skills to counter Kha’Zix.

Kha’Zix’s jump ability has a long cooldown. You can attack him while he’s using this ability.

Use stun to counter Kha’Zix’s jumping ability.

Don’t get yourself isolated, don’t go into the jungle alone, as Kha’Zix will deal more damage to isolated targets.

Try to stay within your team during fights.

Place a ward in the bush to counter Kha’Zix’s passive.

You can block Void Spike by standing behind minions or monsters.


  • High mobility.
  • Has huge snow ball potential.
  • Burst damage.
  • Decent at split pushing.
  • Carry potential.


  • Very squishy.
  • No hard CC.
  • Gets boned by hard CC.
  • Weak if left behind.

Kha’Zix Matchups

MatchupsWin RateGame
Kha'Zix vs Garen
Kha’Zix vs Garen 
Kha'Zix vs Malphite
Kha’Zix vs Malphite 
Kha'Zix vs Darius
Kha’Zix vs Darius 
Kha'Zix vs Nasus
Kha’Zix vs Nasus 
Kha'Zix vs Sion
Kha’Zix vs Sion 
Kha'Zix vs Teemo
Kha’Zix vs Teemo 
Kha'Zix vs Zed
Kha’Zix vs Zed 
Kha'Zix vs Twitch
Kha’Zix vs Twitch 
Kha'Zix vs Shyvana
Kha’Zix vs Shyvana 
Kha'Zix vs Dr. Mundo
Kha’Zix vs Dr. Mundo
Kha'Zix vs Jax
Kha’Zix vs Jax 
Kha'Zix vs Pantheon
Kha’Zix vs Pantheon 
Kha'Zix vs Olaf
Kha’Zix vs Olaf 
Kha'Zix vs Amumu
Kha’Zix vs Amumu 
Kha'Zix vs Lillia
Kha’Zix vs Lillia  