Nami Wild Rift Counter

Nami Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Nami Wild Rift counter stats: All the Nami info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

The Tidecaller

Role: Support / Mage | Win rate: 50.7% | Tier: S

Nami has crowd control, is good at healing and empowering teammates. You need to separate Nami from her teammates, this will reduce her healing and support abilities. Buy healing reduction items to counter Nami. See more ways to counter Nami below.

Champion Counter Nami

Discover all Top champions who counter Nami.


Nami is Weak Against

Nami is Strong Against

Force Nami to use her heal before you attack her ADC.

Don’t let Nami poke you and your ADC at level 1.

Make sure to provide vision in lane to avoid Nami’s ultimate.

Item Counter Nami

Items that counter Nami

Grievous Wounds items.

Anti CC.

Nami wild rift counter items list:

Use Mortal Reminder, Morellonomicon, Chempunk Chainsword to reduce Nami’s healing ability.

Quicksilver Enchant will remove Nami’s CC.

Stasis Enchant will help you dodge Nami’s skills.

How to counter Nami ?

Nami wild rift counter tips

Nami wild rift counter tips:

Try to dodge Nami’s ultimate move because it moves slowly. Prioritize using mobile champions or Flash.

Nami is weak against champions with silence or CC skills.

The best time to attack Nami is when she is out of mana or her skills are on cooldown.

Killing Nami before a teamfight happens will leave her ADC without protection.

Avoid fights in tight areas as Nami’s ultimate deals AOE damage.


  • Health sustain.
  • High mobility.
  • Engage.
  • Disengage.
  • Fits in almost every teamcomp.
  • Can shutdown carry champions.


  • Squishy.
  • Hard to hit skillshot.
  • Lack of mobility.

Nami Matchups

MatchupsWin RateGame
Nami vs Varus
Nami vs Varus 
Nami vs Ahri
Nami vs Ahri 
Nami vs Miss Fortune
Nami vs Miss Fortune
Nami vs Ziggs
Nami vs Ziggs 
Nami vs Caitlyn
Nami vs Caitlyn 
Nami vs Lee Sin
Nami vs Lee Sin
Nami vs Jhin
Nami vs Jhin 
Nami vs Vex
Nami vs Vex 
Nami vs Sion
Nami vs Sion 
Nami vs Swain
Nami vs Swain 
Nami vs Malphite
Nami vs Malphite 
Nami vs Sett
Nami vs Sett 
Nami vs Orianna
Nami vs Orianna 
Nami vs Camille
Nami vs Camille 
Nami vs Pantheon
Nami vs Pantheon 