Shyvana Wild Rift Counter

Shyvana Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Shyvana counter Wild Rift stats: All the Shyvana info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

The Half-Dragon

Role: Fighter / Tank | Win rate: 50.0% | Tier: S

Shyvana is weak early game with low damage and takes time to grow. To counter Shyvana, you need to delay her power. Prioritize using CC champions to prevent Shyvana from engaging.

Besides, the tips below will also help you defeat Shyvana more easily.

Champion Counter Shyvana

Discover all Top champions who counter Shyvana.


Shyvana is Weak Against

Shyvana is Strong Against

Junglers need to delay Shyvana’s power by taking over the jungle and fighting her early.

Control vision on the dragon to avoid Shyvana killing it stealthily.

Shyvana doesn’t gank much, so try to gank a lot to support your teammates in the early game.


Shyvana is Weak Against

Shyvana is Strong Against

Shyvana will look to engage from the start. You should keep your distance and avoid fighting her.

Keep minions close to your tower so Shyvana can’t attack and chase you.

When Shyvana uses her ultimate, you should use CC to prevent her from attacking you.

Item Counter Shyvana

Items that counter Shyvana

Items that slow movement speed.

Magic resistance items.

Stasis Enchant.

Shyvana wild rift counter items list:

Use Stasis Enchant to avoid damage from Shyvana.

Use Spirit Visage, Force of Nature, Mercury’s Treads to reduce the magic damage from Shyvana’s Burnout.

Use Iceborn Gauntlet, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter to easily poke and limit Shyvana’s mobility.

How to counter Shyvana ?

Shyvana wild rift counter tips

Shyvana wild rift counter tips:

Try poking her down early.

Don’t fight Shyvana while her mark is on you.

Avoid clustering when team fighting against a Shyvana.

Shyvana does not have any CC abilities, making her fairly easy to kite.

Wait for her burnout to go off cooldown before going in for trades.

Depending on Shyvanna’s equipment, choose the appropriate item to counter her.

Only engage when Shyvana doesn’t have a dragon, this will reduce the damage she deals.

In teamfights, fight as early as possible so she can’t take you down from afar.

Keep a lookout on the flanks to spot Shyvana before she charges in.


  • Scales very well.
  • High damage.
  • No mana.
  • Strong jungle.
  • Can split push.
  • Waveclear quickly.
  • Has the ability to solo dragons early.


  • Difficult when behind.
  • Easily kited.
  • Easily invaded.
  • Relies on ultimate.

Shyvana Matchups

MatchupsWin RateGame
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Shyvana vs Morgana
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Shyvana vs Wukong 
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Shyvana vs Amumu
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Shyvana vs Teemo
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Shyvana vs Rammus
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Shyvana vs Lee Sin
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Shyvana vs Zed
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Shyvana vs Warwick
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Shyvana vs Jarvan IV
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Shyvana vs Jax
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Shyvana vs Kayn
Shyvana vs Kayn 