Talon Wild Rift Counter

Talon Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Talon counter Wild Rift stats: All the Talon info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

The Blade’s Shadow

Role: Assassin | Win rate: 52.4% | Tier:

Talon is an assassin in Wild Rift with high damage, mobility, and excellent assassination abilities.

I lost to Talon in a recent match. I used Ahri a champion that I believed could win against him, but I was wrong.

I had an advantage in the early levels, but when Talon reached level 5, the situation turned around. Talon suddenly appeared and defeated me quickly when I went to set eyes on the river. He poke me from afar then approached me. I used an air kiss but he was able to dodge with his ultimate and come back to knock me down.

To avoid the defeats against Talon repeating again. I have researched and figured out how to counter Talon Wild Rift, you can find it below.

Champion Counter Talon

Discover all Top champions who counter Talon.


Talon is Weak Against

Talon is Strong Against

Always keep a safe distance from Talon so he can’t rush in and knock you down.

If you play a ranged champion, poke Talon and force him to not be able to farm in the early game.


Talon is Strong Against

Place wards to control vision on walls and forest entrances.

Talon can defeat most Junglers 1v1, and he has good invasion potential. Make sure everyone on your team can see him clearly at all times.

If you see Talon invading your jungle, stay back unless you feel you have the ability to defeat him or have a teammate with you.

Try to get the Dragon or Rift Herald as soon as possible because Talon doesn’t have the ability to kill them in the early game.


Talon is Weak Against

Talon is Strong Against

Talon is not strong in solo at the top, you just need to choose strong solo champions and overwhelm him.

Destroy Talon and he will have a hard time rising in the later stages of the match.


Talon is Weak Against

Talon is Strong Against

Always keep a safe distance from Talon because you are quite fragile. He can easily destroy you if he can get close.

Don’t go alone and always go with a support person if you don’t see Talon on the map.

If Talon approaches you, use flash or similar skills, then deal damage back to him.


Talon is Weak Against

Talon is Strong Against

You cannot directly confront Talon, but you can counter him indirectly. You need to control vision and monitor Talon’s direction of movement, immediately notify your teammates if Talon intends to gank. In combat, your main task is to protect your teammates, preventing Talon from reaching them by using crowd control skills.

Item Counter Talon

Items that counter Talon

Talon wild rift counter items list:

You should buy armor-increasing items such as: Randuin’s Omen, Sunfire Aegis, Thornmail, Frozen Heart, Dead Man’s Plate. Because Talon deals mostly physical damage.

Using Stasis Enchant will help you avoid damage from Talon. At the same time, buy time and wait for teammates to support.

How To Counter Talon?

Talon wild rift counter tips

Talon wild rift counter tips:

Talon’s strength increases when he reaches level 2 and 3. Play it safe and always keep your distance from him.

Avoid getting killed by Talon if possible, as Talon has a pretty good snowballing ability.

Avoid fighting 1vs1 with Talon when he has a lot of items.

When talon reaches level 5, the pressure he puts on you is huge. Play it safe during this phase, control your vision and wait for him to make a mistake.

During combat, make sure your flanks are safe because Talon can jump over walls and assassinate your team.

Stun, silence, or knock Talon up when he enters combat. Then, deal damage and kill him.

If you know Talon is close by, avoid walking through unwarded portions of the map.


  • High burst damage.
  • High mobility.
  • Invisibility.
  • A lot of escape potential.


  • Squishy.
  • High mana costs.
  • Vulnerable to CC.

Talon Matchups

MatchupsWin RateGame
Talon vs Corki
Talon vs Corki 
Talon vs Morgana
Talon vs Morgana 
Talon vs Ziggs
Talon vs Ziggs
Talon vs Gragas
Talon vs Gragas 
Talon vs Lux
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Talon vs Aurelion Sol
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Talon vs Annie
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Talon vs Brand
Talon vs Brand 
Talon vs Tristana
Talon vs Tristana 
Talon vs Jayce
Talon vs Jayce 
Talon vs Veigar
Talon vs Veigar 
Talon vs Akali
Talon vs Akali 
Talon vs Sett
Talon vs Sett 
Talon vs Viktor
Talon vs Viktor 
Talon vs Orianna
Talon vs Orianna 