Tristana Wild Rift Counter

Tristana Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Tristana counter Wild Rift stats: All the Tristana info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

The Megling Gunner

Role: Marksman | Win rate: 50.4% | Tier: S+

Tristana is a great starting champion in Dragon Lane, she focuses damage on her attacks to destroy enemies. Late game, Tristana will increase her attack range and become stronger.

You can easily counter Tristana in the laning phase, gank and destroy her in teamfights.

I did it, what about you?

Here’s how to counter Tristana that I’ve figured out after 234 matches with her. You can refer to this to find your own solution.

Champion Counter Tristana

Discover all Top champions who counter Tristana.


Tristana is Weak Against

Tristana is Strong Against

Using ADC can easily avoid or cancel Tristana’s skill.

Avoid long fights with Tristana once she has used Explosive Charge on you. The more she hits you with basic attacks, the more damage you’ll take.

When farming, do not stand near soldiers that are low on health because Tristana will deal splash damage to you.

Trying to push minions close to Tristana’s tower, she had difficulty farming under the tower.

Tristana uses Rapid Fire and Explosive Charge to destroy towers easily. Prevent Tristana from shooting into the tower by poking her and calling on the jungler to gank.


Tristana is Weak Against

Tristana is Strong Against

In mid, you should play safely against Tristana. Tristana will take advantage of her attack range to poke you, so keep your distance from her and soldiers that are almost out of health. When you reach level 5, you can take advantage of Tristana’s mistakes to deal damage to quickly destroy her.


Tristana is Weak Against

Tristana is Strong Against

Supports should help their ADC farm before Tristana. Poke and harass Tristana so she can’t farm.

Prevents Tristana from jumping up to attack with knockback skills.


Tristana is Weak Against

Tristana is Strong Against

Tristana will be champion that junglers need to pay the most attention to. You need to gank and support your teammates to destroy Tristana in the early game.


Tristana is Weak Against

Tristana is Strong Against

Your strength is close combat, try to get close and destroy Tristana. Only attack when Tristana has used Rocket Jump.

Use teleportation to coordinate with teammates to destroy Tristana.

Item Counter Tristana

Items that counter Tristana

Items that increase armor.

Stasis Enchant.

Quicksilver Enchant.

Tristana wild rift counter items list:

Rapid Fire helps Tristana increase attack speed. Use Frozen Heart to reduce her attack speed.

Use Thornmail to deal back damage when Tristana attacks you.

Using Stasis Enchant will help you avoid damage from Tristana.

Quicksilver Enchant will remove Tristana’s bombs when she places it on you.

How to counter Tristana ?

Tristana wild rift counter tips

Tristana wild rift counter tips:

During the laning phase, you should not stand near low-health soldiers to avoid receiving additional damage from Tristana’s Explosive Charge.

After Tristana uses Explosive Charge on you, keep your distance from Tristana, don’t let her hit you with basic attacks.

Combine with your support and jungle to dominate and force Tristana to farm under tower.

Tristana’s Rocket Jump can be interrupted by knock-up and teleport skills.

Wait for Tristana to use Rocket Jump to attack her. Use CC skill to lock on Tristana when she jumps at you to attack.

Ambush to kill Tristana or steal her ultimate before a fight.


  • Easy to play.
  • Safe in teamfights.
  • Easy to farm.
  • Good early game damage.
  • Great lategame damage.
  • Have escape skills.


  • Very squishy.
  • Short range early game.
  • Weak mid game.
  • Easy to lose soldiers.
  • Need items.

Tristana Matchups

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