Twitch counter Wild Rift stats: All the Twitch info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!
The Plague Rat
Role: Marksman | Win rate: 51.9% | Tier: S+
Twitch has the ability to go invisible and move around the map to gank enemies. Twitch struggles in the early game due to his short range and low damage. He gets stronger in the late game when he gets core items.
You should limit Twitch’s early game power, invade his jungle and kill him at this stage. Use Control Ward to help you easily detect when Twitch ganks. Want to learn more about how to counter Twitch, see below.
Champion Counter Twitch
Discover all Top champions who counter Twitch.
Twitch is Weak Against
Twitch is Strong Against
Avoid pushing too high because Twitch can back off and go invisible to attack you.
Taking short skirmishes will give you the upper hand against Twitch.
Twitch is Weak Against
Twitch is Strong Against
Placing a ward near his red buff will help your team easily spot Twitch when he’s invisible and gank a nearby lane.
Stealing Twitch’s jungle will reduce his ability to scale.
Control vision around jungle entrances to make it easier to spot Twitch.
Item Counter Twitch
Items that counter Twitch
If Twitch deals Physical Damage, buying armor is very effective against him.
If Twitch deals Ability Power, buying magic resistance is very effective against him.
Anti burst damage.
Detect Twitch stealth.
Anti CC.
Twitch wild rift counter items list:
Thornmail will help you reflect damage when Twitch attacks you.
Frozen Heart slows Twitch’s attack speed.
Stasis Enchant will dodge damage from Twitch’s ultimate when activated.
Use Control Ward and Sweeping Lens to easily spot Twitch when he’s invisible in combat.
Quicksilver Enchant will remove the slow from Twitch’s Venom Cask.
How to counter Twitch?
Twitch wild rift counter tips:
Twitch will benefit from long fights, you should fight short with him.
Try to lure Twitch into pushing high and ask for a gank to kill him quickly.
Control visibility to easily know Twitch’s direction of movement.
Don’t stand too close together in teamfights. You should split up in fights, looking to kill Twitch before the fight starts.
Use CC to catch Twitch easier.
- Invisibility.
- Long range.
- High damage.
- Ability to snowball.
- Good roams.
- Poison.
- Strong lategame.
- Scales really well into games.
- Excellent ganker.
- Squishy.
- No crowd control.
- Weak Early.
- High skill cap.
- Extremely squishy.
- No escape.
- Hard to come back if behind.
- Struggles a bit as a jungler.
- Need perfect positioning in fights.
Twitch Matchups
Matchups | Win Rate | Game |
vs Twitch vs Sivir | 57.98% | 2589 |
vs Twitch vs Aphelios | 58.41% | 4427 |
vs Twitch vs Senna | 57.14% | 238 |
vs Twitch vs Akshan | 56.04% | 91 |
vs Twitch vs Zeri | 55.60% | 2482 |
vs Twitch vs Jinx | 53.87% | 11229 |
vs Twitch vs Xayah | 53.48% | 5553 |
vs Twitch vs Caitlyn | 53.60% | 13156 |
vs Twitch vs Miss Fortune | 53.78% | 6385 |
vs Twitch vs Ziggs | 53.06% | 1800 |
vs Twitch vs Jhin | 52.85% | 13835 |
vs Twitch vs Samira | 53.13% | 6362 |
vs Twitch vs Ashe | 52.42% | 9845 |
vs Twitch vs Ezreal | 52.46% | 18260 |
vs Twitch vs Tristana | 52.05% | 3652 |
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