Varus Wild Rift Counter

Varus Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Varus counter Wild Rift stats: All the Varus info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

The Arrow of Retribution

Role: Marksman / Mage | Win rate: 49.6% | Tier: S

Varus’s disadvantage is that he has no escape skills. He is easily controlled and destroyed by champions that deal explosive damage. Applying an overwhelming strategy to leave Varus behind is a popular way to counter Varus today.

As a long-time Varus player, I know his pros and cons well. What I share below will help you know how to defeat Varus more easily.

Champion Counter Varus

Discover all Top champions who counter Varus.


Varus is Weak Against

Varus is Strong Against

Choose ADCs with strong attack ability in the early game. Apply poke and harassment tactics to make Varus useless in the later stages.

During the laning phase, avoid standing inside the wave of minions. This will help Varus poke you and push minions at the same time.

Varus will find ways to push you out of the lane so try to avoid as much damage from Varus as possible.

Keep your distance from Varus if he still has his ultimate.

If possible, destroy Varus by combining with your teammates to gank him.


Varus is Weak Against

Varus is Strong Against

You are a support and you need to stop Varus’ power by harassing him. Poke from afar, prevent him from farming and use cc skills to catch Varus.


Varus is Weak Against

Varus is Strong Against

You are a mage or assassin in Mid, your damage is very high and you can easily destroy Varus with your combo. What needs to be done is to take advantage of Varus’s mistakes to destroy him.

Keep your distance and play safely while Varus still has his ultimate. If Varus has used his ultimate attack, it’s time to attack him.


Varus is Weak Against

Varus is Strong Against

Junglers just need to gank to create pressure or kill Varus. The main beneficiaries are your teammates.


Varus is Weak Against

Varus is Strong Against

Find a way to fight Varus in close combat. Avoid attacking while Varus still has his ultimate.

Item Counter Varus

Items that counter Varus


Magic resistance.

Stasis Enchant.

Quicksilver Enchant.

Varus wild rift counter items list:

If Varus builds physical damage, use armor-boosting items against him. Thornmail will cause grievous wounds when Varus attacks you. Frozen Heart and Randuin’s Omen are two items that slow down Varus’ attack speed.

If varus builds a lot of magic damage, use Spirit Visage, Force of Nature, Mercury’s Treads to reduce damage from him.

If you use Stasis Enchant at the right time, you will avoid damage from Varus’s skills.

Use Quicksilver Enchant to remove CC from Varus’ ultimate.

How to counter Varus ?

Varus wild rift counter tips

Varus wild rift counter tips:

You can avoid Varus’ Piercing Arrow when he uses it.

If you are marked with multiple Blight stacks, you should move out of Varus’s attack range until their effects are gone.

Avoid standing in Varus’s Hail of Arrows, avoid it with flash.

Do not gather in groups to reduce the impact of Varus’s ultimate. Stay away from targets hit by Varus’s ultimate as it will latch onto you if you don’t move far enough.

Varus has no escape skills, focus on him in combat.


  • High CC.
  • Lots of damage.
  • Long-ranged poke.
  • Great farmer.


  • Very squishy.
  • No escape.

Varus Matchups

MatchupsWin RateGame
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Varus vs Sion
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