Vayne counter Wild Rift stats: All the Vayne info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!
The Night Hunter
Role: Marksman / Assassin | Win rate: 52.8% | Tier: S+
Vayne is a late game champion. If you let her get the necessary items, she will destroy your entire team. Most Tank champions cannot stop Vayne. She can penetrate their defenses with true damage based on % of health.
Vayne struggles in the early game with her short attack range and lack of damage. If I were you, I would exploit Vayne’s weakness to counter her.
Champion Counter Vayne
Discover all Top champions who counter Vayne.
Vayne is Weak Against
Vayne is Strong Against
Vayne at the Top will have an advantage in attack range, you can sacrifice CS to get XP and HP. Don’t let Vayne destroy you in the early game because she snowballs very well.
If Vayne has used Tumble, take advantage of this ability’s cooldown to attack her. Try to get close and destroy Vayne because she is quite weak at this time.
Keep minions close to your tower to make ganking Vayne easier. If Vayne pushes up, call on your jungler.
Vayne is a strong ADC solo but she needs time to increase her power. Overwhelm Vayne and don’t let her do that.
Vayne is Weak Against
Vayne is Strong Against
Use ADCs with long range, CC skills, or deal strong damage early in the game to counter Vayne.
Don’t fight Vayne for long because Vayne’s Silver Bolts will deal more damage to you.
Poke and harass Vayne to give her a rough start. Call on the jungler to gank Vayne, kill her if possible.
Vayne is Weak Against
Vayne is Strong Against
Supports should harass Vayne so she can’t farm. Use CC skills to control and create opportunities for teammates to destroy Vayne.
Choose Exhaust to counter Vayne.
Vayne is Weak Against
Vayne is Strong Against
Jungler should apply pressure in the early game against Vayne. This gives your teammates an advantage and holds back Vayne’s power.
Vayne is Weak Against
Vayne is Strong Against
In Mid, Vayne is weak to explosive damage. If you are a Mage or Assassin, take advantage of the cooldown to destroy Vayne.
Item Counter Vayne
Items that counter Vayne
Reduce attack speed.
Anti high physical damage.
Extend survival time.
Vayne wild rift counter items list:
Vayne has high attack speed, to reduce Vayne’s damage, use items that reduce attack speed such as: Randuin’s Omen, Frozen Heart.
Giap Gai will inflict grievous wounds on Vayne if she attacks you.
Use Quicksilver Enchant when Vayne stuns you with Condemn.
Use Stasis Enchant and Guardian Angel to prolong your survival against Vayne.
How to counter Vayne ?
Vayne wild rift counter tips:
Try to poke and harass Vayne from the beginning of the game. Vayne will be stronger when she reaches level 5.
Don’t stay near walls because Condemn will stun you if it pushes you against walls.
Try end the game early.
Ask your jungle to gank often.
Don’t get hit 3 times in a row by Silver Bolts skill, the 3rd hit will deal true damage based on % of your health. Increased HP will help you escape true damage from Silver Bolts.
Vayne has no escape skills, use cc skills to capture and destroy her more easily.
Vayne is often left alone to split push or farm. This is a great opportunity to destroy her.
- Huge Outplay potential.
- True Damage.
- Strong late game.
- Kill tanks easy.
- Great kiting potential.
- High attack speed.
- Great short cooldown skill.
- Good escaping.
- Squishy.
- Short ranged.
- Vulnerable to crowd control.
- Very difficult to master.
- Weak early game.
Vayne Matchups
Matchups | Win Rate | Game |
vs Vayne vs Yone | 63.89% | 108 |
vs Vayne vs Syndra | 59.66% | 238 |
vs Vayne vs Sivir | 57.34% | 3242 |
vs Vayne vs Akshan | 56.12% | 98 |
vs Vayne vs Zeri | 56.45% | 3091 |
vs Vayne vs Senna | 55.52% | 290 |
vs Vayne vs Ziggs | 55.88% | 2040 |
vs Vayne vs Yasuo | 55.48% | 1442 |
vs Vayne vs Lux | 54.02% | 174 |
vs Vayne vs Nilah | 54.62% | 2012 |
vs Vayne vs Tristana | 54.05% | 3634 |
vs Vayne vs Aphelios | 53.96% | 4537 |
vs Vayne vs Jhin | 54.08% | 14944 |
vs Vayne vs Xayah | 54.20% | 7314 |
vs Vayne vs Ezreal | 53.46% | 23858 |
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