Veigar Wild Rift Counter

Veigar Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Veigar counter Wild Rift stats: All the Veigar info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

The Tiny Master of Evil

Role: Mage | Win rate: 51.9% | Tier: A

Veigar is a mage with crowd control, fast wave clear, and powerful burst damage. Veigar’s power is enhanced by his passive. You should defeat Veigar early in the game, gank early, and try to kill Veigar. Locking Veigar down with CC is the most effective way to counter him.

Champion Counter Veigar

Discover all Top champions who counter Veigar.


Veigar is Weak Against

Veigar is Strong Against

Try to delay Veigar’s passive stacks by ganking early, poking, and outplaying him.

Before attacking Veigar, lure him into using Event Horizon. When Veigar uses Event Horizon, he will be weak so attack Veigar now.


Veigar is Strong Against

Keep your distance to avoid being poked by Veigar from a distance.

Item Counter Veigar

Items that counter Veigar

Magic resistance items.

Anti CC.

Stasis Enchant

Veigar wild rift counter items list:

Use magic resistance items like Mercury’s Treads, Spirit Visage, Force of Nature, Maw Of Malmortius to reduce the damage caused by Veigar.

When stunned use Quicksilver Enchant to remove it.

If you’re playing AP against Veigar, get Stasis Enchant ASAP, it will counter his combo, especially his ultimate.

How to counter Veigar ?

Veigar wild rift counter tips

Veigar wild rift counter tips:

Deny him farm early.

Try to avoid Dark Matter as it deals massive damage when it lands.

Try to keep your distance from Veigar in team fights. Don’t stand forward because you will be captured by Event Horizon.

Veigar is weak against CC, you can easily destroy Veigar if you get close and deal explosive damage.

Gank Veigar early game. Veigar is extremely vulnerable to ganks as he has no mobility.

Veigar’s stun field will only stun targets around the edge.

Try not to stand behind low healthed minions, as a good Veigar player will see the opportunity to both take the stack and poke you in one shot.


  • Safe laning.
  • Good mid to late game.
  • Low cooldown.
  • Good zoning.
  • Low cooldown.
  • Accumulated damage.
  • Good CC.


  • Reliant on stacking passive.
  • Weak blood.
  • Weak early game.

Veigar Matchups

MatchupsWin RateGame
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