Vex Wild Rift Counter

Vex Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Vex counter Wild Rift stats: All the Vex info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

The Gloomist

Role: Mage | Win rate: 51.9% | Tier: S+

Vex is a mage who can transform into an assassin when using her ultimate. Vex uses her skills to clear minions quickly, causing fear and stunning enemies. In particular, Vex is very strong in dealing single-target damage and causing burst damage.

Vex is quite weak and can be destroyed by certain champions. Vex’s power depends on Shadow Surge, if this skill is wasted Vex will be useless. To counter Vex, please see my shares below.

Champion Counter Vex

Discover all Top champions who counter Vex.


Vex is Weak Against

Vex is Strong Against

During the laning phase, you need to pay attention to staying away from soldiers because Vex can use Mistral Bolt to push soldiers and poke you at the same time.

Do not step into the range of Personal Space because it can damage you.

Item Counter Vex

Items that counter Vex

Nullify her damage.

Anti CC.

Anti burst damage.

Deny his ultimate.

Vex wild rift counter items list:

To reduce Vex’s AP damage, use magic defense items such as: Mercury’s Treads, Spirit Visage, Force of Nature, Maw Of Malmortius.

Quicksilver Enchant will remove any CC from Vex.

Use Immortal Shieldbow, Locket Enchant, Sterak’s Gage to counter burst damage from Vex.

To counter Vex’s ultimate, you should use Stasis Enchant, Guardian Angel.

How to counter Vex ?

Vex wild rift counter tips

Vex wild rift counter tips:

Gank early and give Vex a difficult laning phase.

Stand far away from each other to avoid AOE damage from Mistral Bolt and Looming Darkness.

Poking Vex to reduce her HP will help your team gain an advantage in combat.

Use purge to remove the mark from Vex’s ultimate before she charges at you.


  • Good base damage.
  • Decent CC.
  • Great engage potential.
  • Great mobility.
  • High snowball potential.


  • Squishy.
  • Low range.
  • Bad vision control.
  • Easy to dodge skill shots.
  • High mana costs.

Vex Matchups

MatchupsWin RateGame
Vex vs Lucian
Vex vs Lucian 
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Vex vs Varus
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Vex vs Akali
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Vex vs Ziggs
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Vex vs Jayce
Vex vs Jayce 
Vex vs Tristana
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Vex vs Zed
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Vex vs Irelia
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