Viego Wild Rift Counter

Viego Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Viego counter Wild Rift stats: All the Viego info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

The Ruined King

Role: Assassin | Win rate: 49.9% | Tier: A

Viego is a great jungler in Wild Rift. He has high damage, good resistance and crowd control. Viego is strong in combat, especially when reaching level 5, easily snowballing towards the end of the game.

I found a way to counter Viego after 50 difficult matches. Viego is indeed a strong opponent and to counter him you must stun and destroy him before he uses his skills.

To better understand how I counter Viego, you should read my article below.

Champion Counter Viego

Discover all Top champions who counter Viego.


Viego is Weak Against

Viego is Strong Against

The jungler’s mission is to prevent Viego’s dominance. Place wards to control vision to know Viego’s direction of movement. Avoid fighting Viego in rivers or forests and prevent Viego from destroying large targets.


Viego is Weak Against

Viego is Strong Against

Viego has a hard time killing you if you keep minions close to the tower. Always have minions between you and Viego to he can’t stun you. Prioritize using items that increase armor and cause grievous wound.


Viego is Strong Against

Take advantage of the range position to poke and harass Viego from afar. If Viego intends to attack, use cc skills to stop him. Viego will have difficulty farming and destroying enemies.

Item Counter Viego

Items that counter Viego

Physical defense items:

Grievous wound items:

Viego wild rift counter items list:

Viego deals mostly Physical Damage, so buying armor is very effective against him as: Thornmail, Sunfire Aegis, Dead Man’s Plate, Plated Steelcaps, Frozen Heart, Randuin’s Omen.

Viego has passive healing so you need use items have effect Grievous Wounds as: Mortal Reminder, Morellonomicon, Thornmail.

How to counter Viego ?

Viego wild rift counter tips

Viego wild rift counter tips:

Viego can be kited by ranged champions, harass Viego whenever he walks up to farm.

Try to CC Viego and burst him down when Viego runs in team fights.

Viego’s Harrowed Path makes him very difficult to kill when fighting in rivers or forests. Fight Viego after he has used Harrowed Path.

Not solo 1vs1 with Viego when you don’t have any advantage.


  • Good crowd control.
  • Ultimate is strong.
  • No use mana.
  • Fast jungle clear.
  • Passive healing.


  • Weak in early game.
  • Low mobility.

Viego Matchups

MatchupsWin RateGame
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