Viktor Wild Rift Counter

Viktor Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Viktor counter Wild Rift stats: All the Viktor info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

Role: Mage | Win rate: 50.9% | Tier: S

Viktor is a mage with good burst damage and ranged poke. In the early game, you need to find ways to harass and gank frequently to reduce Viktor’s power. In my last 134 games with Viktor, I have found effective counter to Viktor which you can see below.

Champion Counter Viktor

Discover all Top champions who counter Viktor.


Viktor is Weak Against

Viktor is Strong Against

Try to get an advantage over Viktor early in the game. When Viktor has used Gravity Field attack him.

Viktor has a strong poke potential in mid, stay out of the lane to avoid getting hit by him. If Viktor tries to play it safe early, ask for a gank so he can’t farm.


Viktor is Weak Against

Viktor is Strong Against

You’ll struggle early on because of Viktor’s ranged poke. Prioritize staying alive and sacrificing minions to gain experience and level up. Try to get close and attack Viktor when he has used his skill or is out of mana.

Item Counter Viktor

Items that counter Viktor

Magic resist.


Anti burst.


Viktor wild rift counter items list:

Use magic resistance items to counter Viktor: Spirit Visage, Force of Nature, Mercury’s Treads, Maw Of Malmortius, Wit’s End.

Use Protobelt Enchant to increase the distance with Viktor.

To counter Viktor’s burst damage use: Stasis Enchant, Guardian Angel.

Locket Enchant will protect your teammates in combat.

How to counter Viktor ?

Viktor wild rift counter tips

Viktor wild rift counter tips:

Viktor lacks mobility in combat, you need to attack from both sides to quickly destroy him.

Organize fights quickly to avoid being poked too much by Viktor.

Be careful with Viktor’s burst damage. If you’re low on health, you should back off.

Gank early to try to kill Viktor.

Viktor lacks mobility so mobile champions will easily avoid and attack him.

In combat, try to attack Viktor from behind to kill him quickly.

Don’t dive towers if Viktor still has Gravity Field.

Mobile champions can dodge Viktor’s skills more easily.

Don’t stand near minions to avoid Viktor farming and poking you.


  • High aoe burst.
  • Strong waveclear.
  • Insane lategame scaling.
  • Powerful zone control.


  • Squishy.
  • Immobile.
  • High skillcap.
  • Weak early game.

Viktor Matchups

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