Wukong Wild Rift Counter

Wukong Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Wukong counter Wild Rift stats: All the Wukong info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

The Monkey King

Role: Fighter / Tank | Win rate: | Tier: S+

Wukong has a very strong basic attack, easily winning 1vs1. Wukong ganks well at the beginning of the game combined with his ultimate ability that can control the entire enemy team to help him snowball quickly.

If you want to counter Wukong, avoid fighting in small areas. Control your vision to avoid being suddenly attacked by Wukong from the flanks.

Champion Counter Wukong

Discover all Top champions who counter Wukong.


Wukong is Weak Against

Wukong is Strong Against

Don’t trade long moves with Wukong unless you can kill him.

Keep your minions close to your tower and ask your jungler to gank when Wukong goes high.

When Wukong reaches level 5, notify your teammates as soon as Wukong moves.


Control the visibility around the jungle entrance so that Wukong cannot successfully gank. Try to take objectives before Wukong and absolutely do not solo 1vs1 with Wukong when he is at full health.


Wukong is Weak Against

Wukong is Strong Against

Prioritize poking from afar and limit 1vs1 with Wukong when he has full skills.

Item Counter Wukong

Items that counter Wukong

Increases physical defense.

Anti burst damage.

Control Ward.

Stasis Enchant.

Wukong wild rift counter items list:

Increases armor to resist Wukong’s physical damage: Plated Steelcaps, Thornmail, Frozen Heart, Randuin’s Omen, Dead Man’s Plate.

Use Edge of Night, Guardian Angel, Sterak’s Gage to counter burst damage from Wukong.

Use Control Ward to detect Wukong’s invisibility.

Stasis Enchant helps you avoid Wukong’s ultimate.

How to counter Wukong ?

Wukong wild rift counter tips

Wukong wild rift counter tips:

Try not to solo 1vs1 with Wukong in the early stages.

Do not gather in groups to reduce the impact of Wukong’s ultimate.

Wukong’s Crushing Blow will reduce your armor. Limit fighting when Wukong has this skill.

Please destroy Wukong before the team fight takes place.

Do not fight in forests or small areas.

Control the flanks before fighting because Wukong can attack from there.


  • Good escape.
  • Low cooldowns.
  • Great healing in teamfights.
  • High damage.
  • Good at splitpushing.


  • Uses a lot of mana.
  • Weak against AP champions.

Wukong Matchups

MatchupsWin RateGame
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Wukong vs Gragas
Wukong vs Gragas 