Galio Wild Rift combo for beginners: By learning optimal ability combos for Galio, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly and safely. Learning and understanding Galio fundamentals is one way of becoming a better player and climbing the ranked ladder.
Galio’s Combo
Best combo for Galio:
Skill 3 -> Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> AA
Ultimate -> Skill 2 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 1 -> AA -> AA
This is going to be your main engage combo. You want to get close to as many enemies as possible before casting your Skill 2, so you can taunt as many people as you can. Then, you’ll just follow up with your basic attacks and Skill 1 to deal some damage.
Flash -> Skill 2 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 1 -> AA
You want to start activating Skill 2 right before you Flash, so you can catch the opponents by surprise. The use of Flash at the beginning of this combo is key because that is what’s going to start the entire teamfight.
Note: Make the most out of your Skill 3 (when stepping backwards before launching forth) to dodge various attacks and spells.
Video combo:
How to play:
Galio is an ability power mid-lane champion. He is a bit different from other original mid-lane champions as Galio is primarily a front-line tank but can do a lot of damage. He is a melee champion and can struggle a bit in the early game when trying to walk up and last hit minions. Once you hit level 5 and get Hero’s Entrance you can look to roam around the map and use Galio’s ultimate to jump onto your team to help them and change the fight outcome.
Galio can also be played in the support role, make sure to check the alternative build at the top of the page! As Galio support, you want to go towards a more tank build as you will be in the front line in team fights and you will want to peel for your AD Carry to keep them alive.
Galio’s Abilities
(Passive) Colossal Smash
Colossal Smash enhances Galio’s next auto attack to deal Area of Effect magic damage. The damage from Colossal Smash scales with Attack Damage, Ability Power and Magic Resist.
Since Colossal Smash is an Area of Effect ability, this means that you can deal damage to multiple minions at once which is great when trying to push the wave. If the enemy champion is nearby it will hit them as well.
Colossal Smash has a cooldown and you will know when it’s back up when you hear a ding sound and Galio’s body starts to glow.
(Skill 1) Winds of War
Winds of War is Galio’s main source of damage. When used it fires 2 windblasts that deal magic damage and converge into a tornado.
Winds of War is a great way to kill and push the minion wave. If you combo Winds of War and Colossal Smash, you should be able to clear the whole minion wave. This allows Galio to roam around the map once he reaches Level 5.
Since the tornado part of Winds of War does damage over time, it is best to combo it with Shield of Durand so the enemy takes the full damage potential of the tornado.
(Skill 2) Shield Of Durand
Shield of Durand is a great Area of Effect taunt that can change a teamfight in a matter of seconds. Shield of Durand has 3 parts. It has a passive, upon taking magic damage, Galio gains a shield that absorbs magic damage. There is also a two-part active ability. The first part is when you hold the ability – you enter a defensive stance where you get slowed but take reduced magic and physical damage. After you release the ability you deal magic damage and taunt all nearby enemies.
When using Shield of Durand, just keep in mind that you will be slowed so make sure the enemies don’t have a way to escape whilst you’re charging the ability up. You can also use Justice Punch to knock up an enemy and then use Shield of Durand whilst the enemy is knocked up to get a guaranteed taunt off.
(Skill 3) Justice Punch
Justice Punch is the main ability that enables you to dash and get in amongst the enemy team. When using Justice Punch, there is a short wind up where you will jump back before you dash forward. Whilst in the dash, if you hit any terrain or champion, you will stop. If you hit an enemy champion, they will be damaged and knocked up.
A neat trick you can do with Justice Punch is to use the jump back at the start to your advantage to catch out the enemies. You can do this by aiming the ability away from the champion. The jump back will go back far enough where you will be able to dash and hit the enemy champion straight away.
After using and hitting an enemy with Justice Punch, Galio will automatically auto-attack the enemy champion. If you want to combo Shield of Durand with Justice Punch, you will need to make sure you hold Shield of Durand whilst dashing so Galio will start taunting as soon as the dash has hit a champion.
(Ultimate) Hero’s Entrance
Hero’s Entrance is a great way for Galio to follow up on any engagement that your team might do. When using the ability, once you pick an allied champion to jump onto, all allied champions near the target gains Shield of Durand’s passive magic shield. After a short duration, Galio arrives at the location dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and knocking them up.
Hero’s Entrance is a semi-global ultimate and has a huge range. When you play mid lane Galio, you just need to walk a bit towards the top or bottom river and then you are within range to use it on an ally champion in the top or bottom lane.
What is a combo in Wild Rift?
The Wild Rift combo works in conjunction with one another and allows auto-attacks, summoner spells, items activated, and/or abilities to be used to do certain things.
We offer a multitude of combinations that you can apply to every application.
Thank you for reading this guide. Good luck on the rift summoners!
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