Yasuo Wild Rift combo for beginners: By learning optimal ability combos for Yasuo, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly and safely. Learning and understanding Yasuo fundamentals is one way of becoming a better player and climbing the ranked ladder.
Yasuo’s Combo
Best combo for Yasuo:
Skill 3 -> Skill 1 -> Flash [Ultimate]
To execute the Beyblade, the Flash should be done extremely quickly just before the Skill3 happens. When executed properly, it leaves no space for the enemy to react.
Skill 1 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 1 -> Ultimate
The Skill 3 + Skill 1 in the middle is executed before the ultimate happens so it adds additional damage to your combos. The Skill 3 + Skill 1 doesn’t even have to be your main target. The Skill 1 damage will be transferred to your Ultimate target nonetheless.
Video combo:
How to play:
Yasuo is a mid-lane attack damage assassin. He is a melee champion and can struggle a lot in the early game when trying to walk up and last hit minions. Once you hit level 5 and get Last Breath, you can look to stack your Steel Tempest until you get your tornado. When your tornado is ready, you can look to knock up the enemy to try and get a solo kill or you can roam around the map with his aggressive play style. Yasuo works really well with a team that has knock-ups as you can use your Last Breath on any knock-up that your team does.
Yasuo’s Abilities
What is a combo in Wild Rift?
The Wild Rift combo works in conjunction with one another and allows auto-attacks, summoner spells, items activated, and/or abilities to be used to do certain things.
We offer a multitude of combinations that you can apply to every application.
Thank you for reading this guide. Good luck on the rift summoners!
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