Ziggs Combo Wild Rift: Guide For Beginners

Ziggs Wild Rift combo for beginners: By learning optimal ability combos for Ziggs, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly and safely. Learning and understanding Ziggs fundamentals is one way of becoming a better player and climbing the ranked ladder.

Ziggs’s Combo

Best combo for Ziggs:

Skill 2 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 1 -> Ultimate.

Video combo:

How to play:

Ziggs is a control mage champion. He is a mid-lane champion that uses his abilities to control a team fight, wave clear, and burst down the enemies. He also excels in team fights, using his bombs to control the enemies and get a huge Mega Inferno Bomb to change a team fight in an instant. He doesn’t do too well in the early game as he doesn’t have a lot of mobility to escape situations and you need time to scale and get your core items.

Ziggs can also be played in the Duo lane, make sure to check the alternative build at the top of the page! When playing Ziggs in the Duo Lane the build is the same as mid lane, there is not really much else that is different in terms of playstyles, build etc. The only thing to keep in mind is matchups.

Ziggs’s Abilities

What is a combo in Wild Rift?

The Wild Rift combo works in conjunction with one another and allows auto-attacks, summoner spells, items activated, and/or abilities to be used to do certain things.

We offer a multitude of combinations that you can apply to every application.

Thank you for reading this guide. Good luck on the rift summoners!