New upcoming champions Ornn, Volibear & Swain


If Volibear activates his Thundering Smash you need stay at max range at all times. Use items that provide Grevious Wounds like: Mortal Reminder or Morellonomicon. In team fights, avoid grouping too closely when Volibear get Ultimate (Stormbringer). Read more

Swain is a Mage has high DPS damage, good cc, high AOE damage and good sustain in lane.
Difficulty: Low
How to counter Swain?

When he walks forward to try to harass you is a good time to trade. Always position yourself far back but in front of your Caster Minions when laning. The greatest strategy for defeating Swain in a battle is burst and poke. Try to poke Swain down before a team fight starts. Read more
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