Ambessa Wild Rift Counter

Ambessa Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Ambessa counter Wild Rift stats: All the Ambessa info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

Matriarch of War

Role: Fighter| Win rate: 40.9% | Tier: S

Ambessa has explosive power in the early game especially when she has her ultimate. Ambessa can easily win 1vs1 solo and destroy weak targets like ADC, Mage. To counter Ambessa, you need to use CC and limit her power in the early game.

If you are still wondering how to counter Ambessa well, check out my experiences below.

Champion Counter Ambessa

Discover all Top champions who counter Ambessa.


Ambessa is Weak Against

Ambessa is Strong Against

On Top, don’t let Ambessa become a real monster in the late game. What you need to do is pick a strong solo champion that can easily suppress Ambessa in the early game. Keep your minions close to your tower and gank to kill Ambessa when you have the chance.

Don’t engage Ambessa in prolonged combat. Only go all out when Ambessa has used up all of his skills.

Don’t leave Ambessa alone because she destroys towers very quickly.


Ambessa is Weak Against

Ambessa is Strong Against

As a jungler, you should look to gank Ambessa to support your teammates. If Ambessa is farming high, that’s the best time to gank her. Don’t let Ambessa snowball and move to support her teammates. You need to create pressure and ambush Ambessa in the jungle.


Ambessa is Weak Against

Ambessa is Strong Against

Use your range advantage to poke and harass Ambessa. It’s best to use a champion with CC skills. Besides, you need to clear the minions quickly to force Ambessa to farm under the tower.

Item Counter Ambessa

Items that counter Ambessa

Physical defense.

Anti burst damage.

Items that cause grievous wounds.

Anti CC.

Ambessa wild rift counter items list:

Since Ambessa deals AD damage, buy armor items to reduce damage such as: Thornmail, Randuin’s Omen, Dead Man’s Plate, Plated Steelcaps, Frozen Heart.

Thornmail will reflect the damage that Ambessa causes to you.

To reduce the burst damage that Ambessa causes, you can use the following items: Edge of Night, Sterak’s Gage, Guardian Angel, Stasis Enchant.

Use Mortal Reminder, Morellonomicon to reduce Ambessa’s healing ability.

Quicksilver Enchant removes the suppression from Ambessa’s ultimate.

How to counter Ambessa ?

Ambessa wild rift counter tips

Ambessa wild rift counter tips:

To curb Ambessa’s power, you should limit her power by ganking early, choosing strong solo champions in the early game.

Don’t let Ambessa get close if you’re a squishy champion. Use crowd control to prevent Ambessa from attacking you.

Keep minions closer to your side to reduce pressure from Ambessa’s killing ability.

Pay attention to Ambessa’s resource bar and cooldowns. Play around Ambessa’s cooldowns.

For ADC or Mage should not go alone because Ambessa can destroy you easily.

When Ambessa doesn’t have her ultimate she becomes weak and you can attack her at this time.

To prevent Ambessa from destroying your tower, send someone who is on par with her in soloing.

Don’t engage in prolonged combat with Ambessa.


  • Highly mobile.
  • Good clear.
  • High damage.
  • Strong 1vs1 solo and teamfight.
  • Strong ultimate.
  • Easy to approach enemies.


  • Difficult to master.
  • Weak against CC.
  • Vulnerable to ranged poke.
  • Requires items.
  • Weak early ganks.

Ambessa Matchups

MatchupsWin RateGame
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